My Story

My approach is founded upon the belief that design matters - and creative solutions add value for my clients and their properties.  I pay particular attention to embrace the common challenges within the development process, and make the most of these opportunities.  I believe the quality of great architecture is that it is responsive to human needs, and has the potential to move people experientially.  From this lens, Architecture is less about adhering to a preconceived style, and more about crafting a meaningful sense of place - the beautiful result of a design process that is responsive, and "speaks" through its well executed details.

Travis Mahoney is a licensed Architect in California and LEED Accredited Professional with a vision to create meaningful projects with a considered and personal service.  His work aims to maximize property value, create a strong sense of place, and make a positive impact on the human experience.

In each project he looks for unique opportunities to serve clients by adding value through a responsive + responsible design approach.









concept Design, Planning, & Entitlement specialist

What’s Your story?  I would love to HEAR.



Adding value by design

how smart design is often the most cost effective strategy for adding value

  People respond to spaces and places that demonstrate care, including our natural and built environments.  Design matters.

  Under the design philosophy of “both-and”, restrictions can transform into opportunities.

We believe every project has the potential to shape the human experience, and the power to “move” people- while at the same time – being cost-effective.  Smart design commands a premium, but doesn’t have to cost a premium.  We continually explore ways to maximize design value for dollars.

architecture + development Services we provide

highest + Best Use analysis

conceptual yield studies

market/ Financial Feasibility analysis

prelim/ concept/ schematic/ design dev.

jv partnerships / fee for service / consulting