Around 2004 energy drinks were the hot new item on the scene in the US. During this time I developed a range of design concepts that were linked to beverage containers. The first invention was a re-usable snap-on container for the top of a beverage can – which effectively sealed the contents, (and carbonation) inside. This re-closable can lid had multiple configurations and uses.
In one configuration it was a snap-on storage container to conveniently store small snack items – and named “TreaTops”.
Treatops snap-on beverage container
re-closable and reusable can topper
In the second configuration, the re-usable can lid extended the effective life of a beverage for days – by sealing it’s carbonation inside effectively turning it into a plastic bottle.
After developing multiple working prototypes, I consulted with a local patent attorney to discuss the viability of turning this product into a utility patent – and unfortunately I was discouraged from pursing the patent because the product “was just too simple, and wouldn’t sell”. This experience taught me a big lesson in life – always get a second opinion. I will never forget the shock and surprise when, two years later, I walked into a local 7-11 and saw this exact invention at the cash register counter selling for $4.95! (now available at many shops and on Amazon). Lessons learned.
Here is a video of the product released 2 years later by Snap Capp:
re-usable can topper turns can into bottle
polar ice caps
In the third configuration the re-closable can lid doubled as a ice-mold and was branded Polar Ice Caps. This product allowed for a convenient way to store additional ice with you on your journey. Simply fill the container with water and throw in the freezer, and when you are ready for an ice cold drink, remove the ice-mold and place onto top of beverage for ice to go.